Blow Molding Experts with Worldwide Experience

Providing expertise in blow molders of all makes and vintage, line installations and troubleshooting worldwide.




Company Overview

SKV Services in Blow Molding Industry

With a focus on blow molding, SKV Services brings unparalleled expertise to the industry.

Benefit from SKV’s 25+ years of experience in the PET industry for top-notch solutions.

Count on SKV for seamless and efficient blow molder installations.

What Can We Do For You?

We provide expertise in most blow molders of all make and vintage, expertise in complete line installation and troubleshooting, developing expertise in end of line equipments. Please contact us for more information. We would be pleased to answer any and all questions.

Key Metrics

Interesting Facts

Out of 10 Bottles are made with PET
BMP Manufacturer Companies in U.S
Vicat Temperature

SKV is compliant with leading industry standards by ongoing review and verification services offered through ISNetworld®. Each team member brings over 25 years of worldwide experience in the PET industry. All SKV’s technicians are well trained in finding efficient solutions and bring knowledgeable experience ranging from project engineering to operations. We ensure that machines are brought back into production as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What Our Clients Are Saying

My past support team didn’t provide the 24/7 service the way SKV does! We can call or send a quick email and are immediately given the assistance we need to work towards a solution.
Impressive! Quickly solved our problem and explained the process so we could prevent down time. Always my go to guys for all our routine maintenance and trouble shooting.
Consistently high quality service. Don’t waste any time finding a solution.
Half the time and half the cost. The reason they have competitive rates is because they understand how to get the job done!